Travel wishlist for 2018

First and foremost, HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone!And with the New Year come the New Year resolutions. Some of which we follow through, and some of which we break in the initial days itself. One of my resolutions is to travel more. I come from a typical Indian family. You know the kinds who go for that one big vacation every year in addition to small ones to nearby places. Yeah. But since I’m officially an “adult” who earns, I plan on changing how and when I vacay. What brought this change, you ask? The fun that I had with my family at each of those trips and the feeling of longing for the next trip.

So, to make sure that I follow through on this resolution, I have made a list of places that I want to visit in the coming year and thought about sharing it with you all. Here it is:

  • Camping at Pavana lake, Lonavala:

I know this doesn’t count as a travelling but this has been on my list since I was in school. And it is finally time that I make myself go for this. Every time I planned for this, something would either come up or I would have no company.

  • Trekking at Rajmachi:

Before last year, I hadn’t come across trekking enthusiasts. But now that I have, I plan to cross this off my list. Here’s hoping that I actually like trekking as much as I think I would.

  • Silvassa:

I had visited this place during my school years, meaning it was a school trip, meaning it wasn’t exactly a trip if you go by the ‘globetrot’ definitions. I have heard so much about this place, especially about the variety of food that you can hog on(guilty as charged)!

  • Kaas plateau:

Another cliched place on my list, but I just can’t help it. I have heard so much about this place. Even my mom has been nagging to go to this place. So we have made a plan to visit here this year and I sure do hope that this planย goes through!

  • Bangalore (Coorg):

I have heard so much about this place for a better part of the last year that it has inevitably become a part of my travel wishlist.

These are the few places that I’m gonna make sure I visit in the coming year. Have you made any New Year resolutions? Do tell me what it is below!

Until next time!


16 thoughts on “Travel wishlist for 2018

  1. Superb!!
    Rajmachi is just beautiful in the rains!!
    Reaching to the top and eating egg and varan-bhat at one of the locals house..listening to their’s all part of the journey, destination is just an excuse!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nice bucket list! It changes from what we usually see… that’s good!
    I’m dreaming of Bali, Mexico, Peru and Australia this year! Good luck ๐Ÿ™‚

    Take care!


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